Don’t Like It? Can’t Afford it? Build it.

            Replica cars have the ability to offer individuals’ supercar looks without the supercar price tag. They are a direct representation of the builder and offer a sense of personalization. Determined mechanics can build replica cars to their specific specifications and style. While there are a plethora of positives for building a replica car, there are negatives that may outweigh the positives.

             Auto manufacturers must surely hate the idea of replica cars. A dedicated builder recreates his dream car without any input from the manufacturer’s engineers. According to, Jacek Mazur, a Polish self-proclaimed amateur mechanic, has made a hobby of building replica vehicles. His past builds include a Lamborghini Countach and Ferrari Testarossa. More recently, Mazur finished building a McLaren F1 after eight years of hard labor. Mazur built the vehicle properly; it is powered by an Audi V-8 and has the iconic three-seat arrangement. The McLaren F1 replica cost Mazur $37,000 to build, a bargain compared to real McLaren F1s. The video reflects the love and compassion that Mazur has for the vehicles he builds, which is a sight to behold.

            Watching Mazur’s video got me thinking. How long is eight years? It becomes very easy to become immersed by projects. After an extended period of time with a project, it becomes very easy to abhor it. I salute Mazur for his determination to complete his project. I envy his ability to replicate an automotive masterpiece with such rigor. Many people have tried to make replicas of cars, however few have been able to recreate them with such precision.
            On Aug. 18, 2013, a McLaren F1 sold for $8.47 million at the Pebble Beach auction. That is a ludicrous amount of money to pay for any vehicle, epically for one that is 16 years old. While the majority of us wouldn’t complain if $8.47 million magically appeared in our bank accounts, Mazur stated that he would not trade his $37,000 replica for the real deal. Mazur is not only an amazing mechanic, but he’s also loyal to his creations.

          The majority of car enthusiasts will never build or buy a replica car. It’s not our style. However, I applaud the individuals with enough gusto to take on large auto manufactures. Copying a design takes a lot of guts, but it also takes skill to make it look good. Something has to be said about Mazur. I don’t know a lot of people who would set aside eight years of their life to build a replica car. Then in the end, say that your car is worth more than the original. That’s a special connection between the builder and the car. In the end, replica cars are cheaper, offer more personalization, and enhance the connection between the builder and the vehicle. Take a few minutes of your day and watch Mazur’s video, it’s worth it. Leave a comment below on whether you would take the time to build a replica and what car you would build.  



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