Making The Daily Commute Non-Existent

      Autonomous cars encompass the future of vehicles in the world. They will allow individuals to skip all of the negatives and positives associated with driving. I’m on the fence with autonomous cars. They’re an amazing piece of machinery and even though I’ve thoroughly researched them, their complexity still baffles me. However, I love driving. I can’t and don’t want to imagine a world where I won’t be able to drive. It appears as if the majority of the world does not agree with me. reports that autonomous cars will be on sale by 2035 and the majority of vehicles on the road will be autonomous by 2050.

    What’s the big whoop behind autonomous cars? It seems as if every automaker is looking to set themselves apart from the competition, with autonomous being the way to do it. Egil Juliussen, principal analyst for infotainment and autonomous driver assisted systems at IHS Automotive, states that there are many positives with the implementation of autonomous vehicles. Reduced accident rates, decreased traffic congestion, and diminished air pollution are some of the positives of autonomous vehicles states Juliussen. It’s hard to argue with facts like that, but what about the visceral experience? What about the people who like to take their car on a canyon drive?


         The entire article on is interesting and informative. It continues to explain multiple benefits to autonomous vehicles, but skimps on the negatives. For instance, a major drawback I can see for autonomous vehicles is the price. The majority of vehicles equipped with manual transmissions are much cheaper than vehicles with automatic transmissions. Same thing remains true for vehicles with navigation. It’s a safe bet to say that technology in vehicles does not come cheap, so how much will autonomous cars actually cost. As of right now, nobody knows.

    Another major issue with autonomous vehicles is the fact that technology is not always reliable. If autonomous cars reign supreme in 2050, what’s the point of getting a license? Automakers will

attempt to make autonomous vehicles supreme. In essence, making licenses and the ability to drive futile. Regardless of whether or not people will have licenses in 2050, people will become dependent on such technology, making them worse drivers.

    I understand the need to make technological advancements, the need to make greater strides in the automotive world. New vehicles have mind-blowing technology that aid the driver. Autonomous vehicles do not aid drivers, they replace them, they make drivers obsolete. Mark your calendars and try to drive as much as you can. As soon as 2050 rolls around, robots will be doing the driving for us.


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