Shaving Soap Review: Soap Commander Respect

It’s been a rough winter in NOVA. There’s been a lot of snow, blistering winds and dark days. I especially was having a rough time this winter, so I thought – what could be better than a shaving soap that reminds me of summer?
As any other wet-shaver, I bought a ton of summery scents and Soap Commander’s Respect was one of them.
Soap Commander ships their soaps in a sturdy six-ounce double-walled tub for $15, which brings this soap at a $2.50 per ounce price point. Opening the sturdy lid reveals a complex lime scent. At first, you get an overwhelming scent of spices, which I’m guessing is the patchouli, and then a wonderful lime scent. It’s not a traditional lime scent, but it’s very good.
IMG_3824Soap Commander says this about their scent: The Respect scent struts a lovely deep earthiness with a well-balanced, sophisticated respectful kiss of lime that will not only make you feel clean and refreshed but more importantly…respected. Sure to be favorite of summer and all year long. The Respect scent perfectly combines essential oils of both Patchouli and Lime for a truly refreshing experience that ensures you ready to face the day full of Respect for yourself and for others.
When lathering the soap, the complex scent increases exponentially and provides your nose with a pleasant profile. The soap itself is pretty hard and getting a good amount to shave with takes some time. Spending extra time to get a good amount of soap on your brush is worth it and results in a copious amount of luscious soap.
The soap takes minimal time to turn into a handsome lather and requires a small amount of water. I like that the soap’s not thirsty and is easy to make. When lathering the soap on your face the smell comes in strong at first, but then fades throughout multiple passes.IMG_3825
One thing I love about Soap Commander’s shaving soaps is the slickness. Their some of the slickest soaps I’ve tried and I could easily go against the grain without discomfort. However, to create such a slick soap, I’m afraid they left something to be desired in terms of fluffiness. I was hoping for something that was a little thicker, while remaining slick, but it’s not bad by any means.
Another slight drawback that I encountered with the soap is its scent strength. The wonderful lime scent that I encountered in the beginning quickly faded and by the time I was finished, I could hardly smell the soap.
Scent Strength: 7/10
Lather Quality: 9/10
Price: 8/10
Overall, Soap Commander Respect is a great lime scent that will bring you out of the darkness of winter or fall and have you reminiscing about a limey beverage. If you like lime scents that aren’t overpoweringly sweet, then you’ll like this one.
Overall: 8/10


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