Wet Shave Club Subscription Box For February

This is the second month that I have received a subscription box from the Wet Shaving Club. The first box I received was amazing. It had everything I needed to start Wet Shaving, but I’ve bought other products since then and was surprised when I received an email stating I had a package on the way. In other words, I forgot to cancel my monthly subscription and really wanted to be wowed by this box.
Sadly, I wasn’t. Here’s what I got:
I want to do a separate review for the Spiced Rum shaving soap and the Soap Commander Aftershave Balm, which gives me the rest of this post to look at the other items I received.
I will first address the elephant in the room – the Dude Wipes. I’ve never heard of the company before, which is simply called ‘Dude,’ and after reviewing their website, they seem to specialize in these wipes.
When I first opened the box, I wasn’t quite sure what these wipes were for. I thought that they might be facial wipes, you know, because it’s from the Wet Shaving Club, but I was wrong. The wipes aren’t for your face, but for your rear and are specifically for the moments after spending some time on the toilet.
I thought the packaging was brilliant. There’s a lot of witty banter like, “Keep out of reach of children unless they are supervised, cool little dudes.” The grey and blue color combo makes it different than other toiletry companies, making it easy to differentiate what it’s really for.
Let me just say that I’m a dude, but I’m okay with using toilet paper. I’ve never used anything like a moist towelette before and after using this product, I’ll stick to toilet paper. For me, there’s something really uncomfortable about smearing a wet towel onto your backside.
The towelette itself smells like any other, it’s flushable – which is an extra bonus – and, I suppose, would make you feel cleaner, but I’m not a huge fan of it.
The second item on the list – the Whoos The Man Soap’s Viper cologne – was absolutely not for me. Their Etsy page states that the scent is a “blend of brandy, cigars, mahogany, cardamom and allspice cologne oil.” I’d say that’s a pretty spot on description of the cologne.
Upon opening the bottle, you get an overwhelming scent of spices followed by a woodsy fragrance. The scent is extremely overpowering and I don’t think the combination of spicy woods works well. I do, however, like the roll on tip. It makes things a lot cleaner.
Lastly, the bottle of pre-shave oil from Local Gent Shaving Company was also a let down. It was my first pre-shave product ever, besides a face scrub, and it didn’t do anything. I followed my own usual routine and then vigorously rubbed the oil onto my face. It poured out of the bottle easily, but quickly became sticky on my face. I thought rubbing it in would help, but it didn’t.
So, I left the sticky residue on my face and went into a face lather. I thought it might make the lather more voluminous, but it didn’t. I continued to shave my face and I can truly say that I didn’t feel a difference between shaving with and without the pre-shave oil. It didn’t make my shave closer, less irritating, or more enjoyable.
The California Barber scent was slightly citrusy, but the scent quickly dissipated after rubbing it onto my face. I’ll try to use it some more and see if it does anything, but after using it, it didn’t do a thing – besides making my beard softer. And to think that it’s $17.50 for a 0.5 oz. bottle astounds me.
Overall, my second box from The Wet Shaving Club was a disappointment. I will definitely get another box later on, but will need a short break after what I just received.
Look for a review of the shaving soap and aftershave bam soon.


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