Stirling Soap Company: Bay Lime Review
I watch numerous wet shavers on YouTube, including Nick Shaves and
The Clean Shaver, who love Bay Rum. So I got a sample puck of Bay Rum from
Stirling and, unsurprisingly, absolutely hated it. The scent was too harsh for my
liking. The clove overpowered everything else and after using it once, I threw
it out.
I found myself shopping for more samples on Stirling’s website again
and decided to give a new scent, Bay Lime, a try. The scent is no longer on the
website, which is a shame, as I think it’s a great one for wet shavers that
aren’t Bay Rum fanatics.
Since I’ve talked about Stirling already, I won’t go into the type
of lather the soap is capable of making. In short, Bay Lime creates a thick,
rich, and creamy lather that punches well above the soap’s weight of roughly $2.20 an ounce. The lather is extremely
slick and has great cushion. Post-shave wise Stirling is just a notch below the
best. The artisan soap company has quickly become one of my favorites and will
always have a place in my expanding den.
Scent wise, Bay Lime is a special soap. Off the puck, Bay Lime is everything
Bay Rum lovers enjoy. It’s nearly identical to Stirling’s regular Bay Rum puck,
as it’s clove heavy at the beginning, with sweetness from cinnamon and citrus
coming at the end. The lime at the end is subtle, but a nice addition.
Upon lathering, the scent changes a bit. The Bay Rum is still the
most prominent scent, but the Lime kicks up a few notches. The scent is much
more enjoyable, at least to me, when lathering than it is off of the puck. For
someone that doesn’t like Bay Rum, the Lime helps take a lot of the harshness
away, making this the only Bay Rum-based soap that I’ve enjoyed using.
Scent Pleasantness: 7/10
Scent Strength: 6/10
Lather Quality: 8/10
Price: 10/10
Price: 10/10
I enjoyed using Bay Lime, but if it was available, I don’t think I would
purchase more of it. I’m happy that I tried it, but Bay Rum, in any form, isn’t
for me. The Lime definitely helps, but isn’t enough to make me fall in love with
the scent. For wet shavers out there that were turned off by traditional Bay
Rum scents, Bay Lime is, or more aptly was, worth a try.
Overall: 7
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